

Academies for Excellence 2019 Inductees

The Academies for Excellence recognizes outstanding faculty in the areas of scientific research, educational scholarship, clinical practice, and team science. Members are elected to lifetime membership in one of four academies: the Academy…

Remembering Our Pioneering Colleague

Kurt Amplatz, MD, passed away last week, leaving an incredible legacy of improving the lives o
Elderly couple

Lifelong Communities: Designing Homes to Age and Live in Place

According to an AARP survey of adults age 65-plus, 87 percent want to stay in their current home and community as they age. Among people age 50 to 64, 71 percent of people want to age in place. What does this mean for community planners…
minnesota project group

Paying it Forward: Lessons from the Minnesota Project

The Minnesota Project lasted from 1955 to 1961. The six-year program was a partnership between the University of Minnesota and Seoul National University focused on rebuilding medical infrastructure in South Korea after the Korean War. To…
Minnesota archives photo

Paying it Forward: Lessons from the Minnesota Project

The Minnesota Project lasted from 1955 to 1961. The six-year program was a partnership between the University of Minnesota and Seoul National University focused on rebuilding medical infrastructure in South Korea after the Korean War. To…
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Learning Healthcare Network to Connect Greater Minnesota

The health disparity between rural and urban Minnesotans continues to grow. To bridge this gap, University researchers are working to develop a learning health care network to address the lack of access to research and education in greater…
Housing new

Community-University Health Care Center to Create Innovative Supportive Housing for Optimal Healing

In 2018, hundreds of men, women, children, teens, the disabled, and elders camped on public property for over six months because they had no stable housing and were out of options. What was later coined the Franklin Hiawatha Encampment (…

Former UMN Health Sciences Leader William Jacott Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

Former University of Minnesota health sciences leader William Jacott, M.D., was recently honored with a lifetime achievement award by the Marshall H. and Nellie Alworth Memorial Fund. The Fund has contributed to over 5,100 college…
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The "Wicked Problem" of Opioids

A beloved musician dies alone in the elevator of his recording complex.A homeless woman dies in a tent at the Franklin-Hiawatha encampment.Young parents overdose in their car with their young children in the back seat.Dentists hesitate…
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Former UMN Health Sciences Leader William Jacott Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

Former University of Minnesota health sciences leader William Jacott, M.D., was recently honored with a lifetime achievement award by the Marshall H. and Nellie Alworth Memorial Fund. The Fund has contributed to over 5,100 college…